Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Things

How to make the most of a treadmill to how to reach a goal and everything in between: Here are a few of my favorite things.

Nikki Glor's Treadmill Tricks
I've been taking Nikki Glor's classes for 5 years and have had the pleasure of being her fly girl on t.v. segments. In case I miss class, she's away, or I'm away and have access to a gym, I hit the treadmill with this half hour work out. Leave your magazine at home.

Ginger, Pear, and Oatmeal Shake
Over a year ago I went on a smoothie kick, substituting the random meal through out the week. In my search for interesting recipes, I stumbled upon this pear, ginger and oatmeal shake. Instead of chopping and freezing pear pieces, I use organic pear juice.

Crush on Oils
I will always have a soft spot in my budget for Sephora, but since my discovery of using oils as my nighttime moisturizer, I welcome this cheaper, simpler solution. Sesame oil is my favorite from Fall to late Spring. Just this week, with the heat and humidity settling in to New York City, I switched to organic virgin coconut oil.  I wake up in the morning primed for my morning ritual.

An Accountability Partner
Have a goal you want to reach but find you are not sure how to get started or continuously letting yourself off the hook from taking actions? Find an accountability partner. It's best if it is someone you are not super close with because you will tend to enable each other's inaction. I recently teamed up with an actress who is a fellow member of an artists support circle. We check in each day and act as each other's sounding board. I learn when my goals are too lofty and when I can pull back and take one simple step. When I know I'm being held accountable, I just do it.

Happy Start to Summer!

Leigh Ann

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