Sunday, April 14, 2013

My Morning Ritual and I'm Pompous Enough to Think Everyone Should Follow It

Who am I to be an expert on what a morning ritual should be? My last post was about strangers giving unwanted advice. And now, I can't help myself.

While many people around me this winter were dropping like flies with illness, I stayed above the microbe fray. My skin is so soft and smooth that I'll be sitting in a restaurant, sensually rubbing my own arms thinking, "Oh. Oh, now that's nice. OK. Stop. People are starting to look." By clearing my mind and learning to be present, feeling good...and things that feel good feel even better.

1. Rosewater

My feet hit the floor and I head straight for a spritz of rosewater. How can a day go too wrong when you've started it this way? It wakes you up, and it's the next best thing to diving face down into a bed of roses.

2. A lukewarm glass of lemon water. 

A chiropractor first turned me onto this and now I never miss a morning. It's good for the digestive system, reduces phlegm, and has various other benefits that you can read about here.

3. Getting Some Headspace.

Then it is time to get some headspace. I can meditate on my own, but why not be guided and feel less alone? This program is accessible for even the most jaded, please none of that sappy, flowery spiritual stuff needer of downtime. You don't even have to sit in a cross-legged position, much less burn incense. You get a free 10-day trial, plus an app.

4. Skin Brushing

Before jumping in the shower, I skin brush. Dry skin brushing wakes up the lymphatic system and helps rid the skin of toxins. And if you're not awake by now, you definitely will be when the shower hits your tingly skin.

5. Lather Yourself in Oil

I learned to love oils when studying ayurveda in yoga teacher training. Depending on the season, the right oil can cool you, ground you, and help with deranged vata. But after the shower, I like this fast absorbing oil.

Still one of my favorite rituals is morning coffee.  I don't think I can stop riding the brown horse, as Stephen Colbert calls it. And its natural segue is this:


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