Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Work in Progress: Freedom & Safety for All

Of all of them, this may be my best, and I think it was my first idea.
As an exercise in coming up with ads, I came up with a campaign for gun control and gun regulations. I toiled over this during my Christmas break. After much brainstorming and feelings of intimidation about the project, I sat down one day and the ideas finally began to pour out.

Do you believe in kismet? Synchronicity? The universe responding to the energy you put out? Because the next day after coming up with my ideas, DemandAPlan started following me on Twitter.

I then knew I had to bring these ideas to life. I found the right person to help me. What was really cool was his excitement about it! It was an issue he felt strongly about also.

These are a work in progress. As I take time away and then revisit, I see where some language should come from the opposite angle. I'm learning!

It's been a violent, dramatic week. I was hopeful that these ideas may become obsolete. But after Congress's disappointing vote this week, it seems right to share. I realize, too, they are targeted to the wrong audience: most Americans do believe in some sort of gun regulation.

Share your thoughts or suggestions. I would welcome that. Let's build a campaign as Freedom Fighters.

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