Thursday, June 13, 2013

Put the Girl in Control of Gun Control. 9MM America by Girl Be Heard

At the end of 9MM America, the company makes a call to action: Girls are asked to control their hair, their body, and most of all themselves, but instead put them in control of the gun debate and we will get somewhere.

9MM America: A theatrical uprising against gun violence by Girl Be Heard features monologues, scenes, music and dance all written and choreographed by the company members. The show opens with children playing Ring around the Rosie on a playground, projected on a large screen. You cringe at how vulnerable they are. After all, this is a show about gun violence in America. And we know in America, efforts to protect them are usurped by NRA lobbyists, 2nd amendment illusionists, and the members of congress in those respective pockets.

The company enters from the shadows with a step dance choreographed by company member Karen Vigo. This dance is followed by the song "Mother, I Am A Soldier," written by Aya Abdelaziz, which pays homage to the different heritages that make up American neighborhoods. These pieces act as threads that the company members return to as they break off and tell personal stories of how their lives and communities have been affected by gun violence. 

By the time Monica Furman takes the stage as The Hunter, written by Tiff Roma, you are ready to look at, dare I say, the lighter side of the gun debate. Furman's polite plea for access to property for the hunt unravels to a near salivating description of all of her hunting paraphernalia and that "sweet spot" where the bullet should hit the game, doing a service for you, for her, the hunter, and for the animal. Furman handles this beautifully.

Dominique Fishback portrays a teen boy profiled by police and later as "mental" America in a straight jacket, speaking the truth about America's addiction to violence and facts about the trafficking of money and arms to other countries.

One vignette is a duet written and performed by Melanie David and Betsy Perez. David courageously tells of life after her brother was shot and killed. Betsy Perez describes those events her father didn't make it to, events just an arm's length further than the gun he had access to and with which he took his own life.

David beautifully sings ONE, a song she wrote as a plea to end gun violence around the world.

This is a company of talented and powerful writers and performers. Other stand out performances include "Little Alex" by Breanie Michele, Jai Raphael in Columbine Mind, and Nykemah Warren as the girl hiding the gun in "When They Found It."

I am a gun control activist but my last action was tweeting to every congressman and woman who voted "no" on Manchin-Toomey. Waiting for this performance to start on Sunday, I realized I could be calling congress people, doing something. Even though the majority of Americans support stricter legislation, your congress people don't seem to believe it unless they hear from you. The Newtown tragedy just had its 6 month anniversary. We tend to have a short attention span, and it is easy to not think about how gun violence is playing out every day. It's so unpleasant, and if you don't see it, then is it happening? It is. Follow the lead of Girls Be Heard and do something.

Girl Be Heard is a not-for-profit theater collective and educational program. Their curriculum develops and strengthens girls' voices.

9MM America, directed by Ashley Marinacco and produced by Jessica Greer Morris is playing at the Robert Moss Theatre, 440 Lafayette Street as part of Planet Connections Theater Festivity. Remaining dates are Tuesday, June 18 at 3:30 and Wednesday, June 19 at 8. Visit

Saturday, May 25, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Things

How to make the most of a treadmill to how to reach a goal and everything in between: Here are a few of my favorite things.

Nikki Glor's Treadmill Tricks
I've been taking Nikki Glor's classes for 5 years and have had the pleasure of being her fly girl on t.v. segments. In case I miss class, she's away, or I'm away and have access to a gym, I hit the treadmill with this half hour work out. Leave your magazine at home.

Ginger, Pear, and Oatmeal Shake
Over a year ago I went on a smoothie kick, substituting the random meal through out the week. In my search for interesting recipes, I stumbled upon this pear, ginger and oatmeal shake. Instead of chopping and freezing pear pieces, I use organic pear juice.

Crush on Oils
I will always have a soft spot in my budget for Sephora, but since my discovery of using oils as my nighttime moisturizer, I welcome this cheaper, simpler solution. Sesame oil is my favorite from Fall to late Spring. Just this week, with the heat and humidity settling in to New York City, I switched to organic virgin coconut oil.  I wake up in the morning primed for my morning ritual.

An Accountability Partner
Have a goal you want to reach but find you are not sure how to get started or continuously letting yourself off the hook from taking actions? Find an accountability partner. It's best if it is someone you are not super close with because you will tend to enable each other's inaction. I recently teamed up with an actress who is a fellow member of an artists support circle. We check in each day and act as each other's sounding board. I learn when my goals are too lofty and when I can pull back and take one simple step. When I know I'm being held accountable, I just do it.

Happy Start to Summer!

Leigh Ann

Sunday, May 19, 2013

I Can Bring It, But I Prefer Returning Home With It in Tact: Internet Dating and the Gapification of Romance

Nice cat.
I have found myself telling a friend I want to get back on the dating scene. But when I say I am not actively on a dating site, they look at me as if I just told them I'm growing my hair out to weave into a rope for my prince to climb from Amsterdam Avenue.

This time last year I was an internet dating sensation, thanks to a little help from a friend who acted as the creative director of my Match profile. Before the rebranding, my profile was the Sahara: hardly a wink on a sweet, straight forward photo and an honest litany of all my pursuits (acting, music, yoga, comedy....), how I have a big heart and want to save the world, blah blah blah.

After the rebranding, my profile was like a luscious rainforest: 1200 views a week of a leggy shot with a drink in my hand, an "about me"  that was a cocktail of mystery, mischief, and just enough demanding little bitchlet that gets guys crawling. No one even seemed to sneeze at the cat in the picture. "Is that your cat? God, I hope so. I'm allergic, but have zyrtec. Will stay the whole night."

Saturday, April 27, 2013

How to Instantly Be an Advanced Yogi

Most of my private students are beginners at yoga and are intimidated by the classroom setting. As much as I love the gift of coming into their homes and introducing them to the practice, I know that one day I must leave their nest and let them experience the community and synergy that happens in a room full of people working on their practice. It is inspiring and mystical.

If you are intimidated by going to a class because the idea of touching your toes seems as likely as a trip to the moon, or you picture yourself as the odd man out of a Cirque de Soleil open call, your drishti, (focus) could use a "shift".

Monday, April 22, 2013

Treading the Favor Waters

Thanks for seeing that I've got some big ideas!

Sometimes I offer help. Sometimes I need help.

"Wouldn't you like to take a break from editing the boring stuff you get paid to edit and edit my [resume] [child's pre-school application] [screenplay] [book] [website]?"

I am a great editor. And I once could ride the flattery wave to making someone's personal project shiny and pretty.

When a good friend asks me for help or if I offer it, I'm often glad for the opportunity. Buying random trinkets, books or cds is not my forte. I feel more generous with my energy this way or treating to dinner or drinks.

Who wants to feel like someone doesn't appreciate that you spent your free time helping them out? And worse, assume it was fun for you and you would've rather been doing that than anything?
Would you be up for a little
competition in generosity?

Sadly, I have found myself on both sides.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Work in Progress: Freedom & Safety for All

Of all of them, this may be my best, and I think it was my first idea.
As an exercise in coming up with ads, I came up with a campaign for gun control and gun regulations. I toiled over this during my Christmas break. After much brainstorming and feelings of intimidation about the project, I sat down one day and the ideas finally began to pour out.

Do you believe in kismet? Synchronicity? The universe responding to the energy you put out? Because the next day after coming up with my ideas, DemandAPlan started following me on Twitter.

I then knew I had to bring these ideas to life. I found the right person to help me. What was really cool was his excitement about it! It was an issue he felt strongly about also.

These are a work in progress. As I take time away and then revisit, I see where some language should come from the opposite angle. I'm learning!